How do I activate my NordVPN service?

NordVPN is included in the Intensiv’+ and Connectiv plans.

You can download it to your computer, mobile or tablet.

It is a virtual private network (VPN) service, that is to say virtual private network, allowing access to the Internet in a secure way, from a large number of devices.

To enable NordVPN, follow the steps below:

Step 1:

First retrieve your activation key from your advisor by calling

Step 2:

Go to and register by filling out the form

  • Enter the activation code provided by your advisor
  • Enter your email address (you can use the same address as your Hubside account)
  • Create the password of your choice
  • Click on “Create Account”


Step 3:

Connect to your NordVPN space by clicking on the link received in the confirmation email.

The activation code gives you access to a license valid for the duration of your Hubside offer