How do I activate my Hubside e-shop ?

We invite you to discover the service with our Exclusiv & Intensiv’+ plans.

Activate your Hubside e-shop directly from the e-shop block. If you don’t have an e-shop block on your site, you can add it from the “Add blocks” page, in the “Online store” category.


Activation is a two-step process:

  • Make sure you have a package that includes the e-shop option
  • If you already have the appropriate package, you’ll automatically proceed to step 2, which involves
    • Create a PayPal seller account
    • Associate an existing PayPal account.

Once you’ve completed these 2 steps, go back to your site edition and publish your site, making sure you’ve configured your Product or Service for Sale as you wish.

Although validation of the PayPal seller account is automatic, there may be a time lag between activation of the Hubside e-shop and validation of the PayPal seller account.

In this case, simply wait a few minutes. Remember to check the e-mail sent to you by PayPal to validate your account, and to reload your Editor page.